Posts Tagged ‘community involvement’

Donating to a Safer Ride

Thursday, August 2nd, 2018

Working safely is more than a core value at Egan. For most, it’s a habit that extends beyond the time spent on the jobsite or in the office – and into our passions that make each one of us unique.

For Tim Mandeville, Egan Electrical Journeyman, his time away from work is often spent with the Wild Prairie H.O.G. Chapter – a group of Harley-Davidson motorcycle enthusiasts who ride and volunteer around the Twin Cities. The group commonly visits the Ronald McDonald House and the Minneapolis VA Hospital, among other organizations.

As a craftsperson and trained safety leader, Mandeville recently had an idea to increase the safety of all the men and women who ride in the chapter. His push to further safety for the group included the addition of a small first-aid kit to each of the bikes.

“Egan’s safety culture has changed the way I look at a lot of situations outside of work,” said Mandeville. “I always take a moment to ask myself what could go wrong before jumping into a task. It’s the way I’m accustomed to doing things now and that’s where this idea came from.”

However, as a nonprofit, the group did not have the funding to supply a kit for every bike. To help Mandeville’s effort, Egan Company donated 50 first-aid kits to help create a safer ride.

“For me, safety is always in the back of my mind because of my work and training with Egan. It’s a good feeling to know I can share a small piece of this with my fellow bikers,” said Mandeville. “The chapter couldn’t be more grateful for this donation.”

The Power of Packing Food

Monday, February 26th, 2018

For a third year, Egan Company opened its doors in Champlin to host the Feed My Starving Children Northwest Metro MobilePack. The event took place from February 20-25th and welcomed more than 4,000 members from surrounding communities to unite and pack food for children in need around the world.

Over the span of six days, 1,209,384 meals were packed which will provide food for 3,313 children for an entire year.

Egan employees are committed to supporting organizations like Feed My Starving Children that provide resources to our local communities and beyond. Throughout the event, more than 100 Egan employees volunteered their time to work and/or pack food at the event.

Feed My Starving Children is a local nonprofit hunger relief organization working with volunteers to produce a scientifically formulated food formula that is culturally acceptable worldwide. Organizations in nearly 70 countries around the world distribute these meals to children in greatest need.

Find photos from this year’s event on our Facebook page!

Project HEAT’S ON

Friday, November 17th, 2017

The coldest months of the year are just around the corner and this means one thing if you’re a homeowner — turn on the heat!

Paul DeRosier, Egan Pipefitter Field Leader, and Trent Froberg, Egan Pipefitter Apprentice, donated their time and expertise to do just that through Project HEAT’S ON. This fall, DeRosier and Froberg volunteered to ensure a local homeowners house was safe and more energy efficient for the winter months.

Project HEAT’S ON was started in 1986 by the Minnesota Pipe Trades Association to service and repair furnaces of the elderly, disabled, and low-income homeowners. Each year, hundreds of pipefitters from 11 different unions statewide come together to participate and give back to the surrounding communities.


Providing Hope for the Rochester Community

Monday, January 23rd, 2017

Rochester Ronald McDonald HouseSince 1980, The Ronald McDonald House of Rochester, Minn. has provided a home-away-from home and support for families seeking medical care for their children. Each night, the House is able to host 42 families.

Recently, the House received more than 150 toys generously donated by our Southern Minnesota team.

The difference that Ronald McDonald House makes in people’s lives every day is truly remarkable. Our hope is that the toys allow kids to be kids while staying at the House.

Taking a Ride with BPPD

Wednesday, November 30th, 2016

Earlier this year, Egan hosted a Brooklyn Park Police Department (BPPD) K-9 Fundraiser to raise funds for stab- and bullet-resistant vests. Two lucky winners, Jason Lindula, Egan Company Safety Coordinator, and Gary Setala, Egan Company Account Executive, won a ride-along with BPPD Officers Tom/Kilo and Jason/Bongo. Read about Jason and Gary’s firsthand account of their nights:

Jason’s Ride-Along

Jason’s ride-along was on Saturday, November 12. He was out with Officers Tom and Kilo from 6:45pm-2:15am.

We were dispatched to a “suspected” drunk driving related crash where the driver was not wearing a seat belt and hit the wind shield, luckily he was not ejected and was out of the car talking to another cop by the time we got on the scene. There were also several noise complaints that we dealt with that lead to some interesting conversations for the cops.

There were times where I was nervous when we were in apartments and they were talking to some people who may or may not have been under the influence and were becoming agitated. We also had the lights and sirens on driving at a high rate of speed. It was interesting to see how some people are oblivious to a cop approaching them from behind.

Gary’s Ride-Along

Gary’s ride-along was this past Friday, November 18. He was out with Officers Jason and Bongo from 6:30pm-2:30am.

The first call of the night was an armed robbery for pharmaceutical drugs at a local drug store. We left the police station at a high rate of speed with lights and sirens. Bongo was out trying to track the robber, but due to the wind and cold, the scent was not present. The robber disappeared into the neighborhood.

The second call was a mother and mother in-law domestic dispute. Evacuating the mother in-law and others from the home resolved the issue.

The third call was to support Corcoran Police with a vehicle drug stop. Bongo provided sniffing support for searching the vehicle for drugs. Again wind and cold hampered the search, but drugs were found.

Another call assisted a concerned neighbor of an elderly women. She went to bed without turning lights off, bringing her dog in, or closing the patio door. Several officers prepared for the worst when entering the condominium. The lady was found alive and upstairs sleeping.

Also, we then took the time to bring a young man watching a construction site in his vehicle a cup of coffee. Jason had met him a few nights earlier on patrol thinking he might be a bad guy. Needless to say it was a great gesture by Jason Buck.

Donating Food for Local Families in Need

Monday, November 21st, 2016

When we set goals, we not only meet them, but exceed them! Egan employees in both the Twin Cities and Southern Minnesota offices banded together during our Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive to exceed our goal of donating five barrels of food with a total of eight overflowing barrels of food for local families in need.

Partnering with the Twin Cities based Community Emergency Assistant Programs (CEAP), and the Southern Minnesota based Channel One Regional Food Bank and The Salvation Army in Austin, employees donated non-perishable items so families in our community can enjoy a Thanksgiving meal.

CEAP is a Brooklyn Park-based nonprofit dedicated to helping families gain financial stability and maximize their ability to live independently. Channel One Regional Food Bank is nonprofit organization that is dedicated to helping feed people in need in Rochester, MN. The Salvation Army in Austin is a local center of the national Salvation Army that operates across the United States. Their mission  is to feed, to clothe, to comfort, to care. Thank you to CEAP, Channel One Regional Food Bank, and the Salvation Army for providing food and comfort for those in need this holiday week.

New Community Partnership

Saturday, October 15th, 2016

DSC_0333_editFrom the very first day Egan & Sons opened their doors, Egan Company has been dedicated to actively supporting causes and local organizations that help those in need. This value is driven from all areas of the company, and continually brings employees together to reach local families in need of our support.

This summer, Egan formed an exciting new partnership with the Brooklyn Park Police Department (BPPD). Employees came together and raised $5,000 to buy K-9 officers, Kilo and Bongo, stab- and bullet-resistant vests.

“We have been beyond impressed with Egan’s quick action to get the employee giving campaign rolling and get money raised for the K-9’s vests,” said BPPD Officer Tom Dunnwald. “Without Egan’s help, it would have taken a very long time to raise the funds needed and the dogs would be working the streets unprotected.”

These custom-made vests will protect Kilo and Bongo for the next several years on the force, and ensure their safety as they work to protect the community where we work and live.

We see the need in our backyard and beyond, and are dedicated to help in any way possible – as employees and individuals – for many years to come.

Competing to Help Those in our Community

Friday, September 30th, 2016

2016-BloodDriveFall (36)A little friendly competition never hurt anyone, and in this case, helped save lives in our community! Partnering with Memorial Blood Center, two Bloodmobiles parked in Egan’s Brooklyn Park and Champlin office parking lots and the two offices competed to see who would have the most donors.

A total of 56 employees donated blood throughout the morning on September 30, 2016. But the lucky winners with four more donors than the other office, and the proud winners of the Egan Company Blood Drive Trophy went to the Champlin office with 29 total donors! Together, Egan gave the gift of life to those in need.

Memorial Blood Centers is a Minnesota-based, independent nonprofit supplying life-saving blood, state-of-the-art laboratory services, and biomedical expertise to area hospitals and clinics.

Giving back in Haiti

Saturday, June 4th, 2016

Haiti-Trip---Pete-U_smallPete Ulbricht, Field Leader Electrician, and his son visited Haiti this spring to install Egan-donated lighting for a local church, school, orphanage, and nursing home.

“It was a great experience and gives me a new respect for the people that live there as well as for the safety of food and water that we eat and drink every day,” said Pete Ulbricht. “I’m glad Egan was willing to donate to such a great cause.”

Hosting Feed My Starving Children Foodpacking

Monday, February 8th, 2016

MINNEAPOLIS, MN (February 8, 2016) – Egan Company, a Brooklyn Park specialty contractor, announced its Champlin facility as the site of the Northwest Metro MobilePack event for Feed My Starving Children.

“We’re fortunate to have a facility in a state of construction to offer as a MobilePack site. It gives us a chance to get to know our community as we partner with Feed My Starving Children,” said Duane Hendricks, Egan Company Chief Operating Officer. “If you’re interested in donating or packing food that will feed children in need in our community and around the world, join us and help out this great cause.”

Community members are invited to pack food at Egan Company’s Champlin facility. The event will take place February 24-28, and see a total of 10,000 volunteers packing two million meals that will feed 6,000 children for one year. For more information or to sign-up, visit the Northwest Metro MobilePack event link:

Egan Company has a strong commitment to the local community, actively devoting time, compassion, and resources for organizations like Feed My Starving Children. Egan has over 50 employees who have volunteered time to support this event.

Feed My Starving Children is a local nonprofit hunger relief organization working with volunteers to produce a scientifically formulated food formula that is culturally acceptable worldwide. Organizations in nearly 70 countries around the world distribute these meals to children in greatest need.

About Egan Company:

Egan Company is a specialty contractor that represents over 15 skilled trade unions serving virtually every infrastructure discipline in the industry. Core services include: electrical, mechanical, curtainwall/glass (InterClad), millwrights, controls and system integration, building automation, and service. Egan serves every stage of a building and provides in-house expertise in planning, design, engineering, construction, and maintenance. For more information about Egan Company, visit

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Media Contact:

Jessica Johnson

Download a PDF of the press release.