Egan Company

Safety Performance Recognized as Exceptional

June 13, 2018

Safety is a part of who we are at Egan Company. We do more than just embrace it – we are dedicated to living it and breathing it every day in our offices, shops, and jobsites.

For more than 10 years, we’ve been awarded multiple Governor’s Safety Awards by the Minnesota Safety Council for this commitment to workplace safety and health. And, this year proves to be no different.

Egan recently received five Meritorious Achievement Awards. These awards recognize incident rates that are better than the industry average for at least three years, and a score between 50 and 74 on a 100-point safety program evaluation program scale.

Egan was one of approximately 280 Minnesota companies recognized at the Governor’s Safety Awards luncheon this year. To read more about the evaluation scorecard and award categories visit Minnesota Safety Council’s website.

