Egan Company
Services & Solutions

Outdoor Electrical

Connecting to the Great Outdoors

From parking lot lighting to highway improvements, Egan Company’s dedicated electricians and operating engineers work year-round on outdoor construction, improvement, and maintenance projects that keep Minnesota moving. Our project approach begins with unmatched collaboration. Then, Egan continues to provide high-quality service and expertise to deliver fully functional, efficient, and safe systems for outdoor projects big and small.

Every Season is Construction Season

Outdoor work doesn’t just happen between April and September. Egan’s skilled trades teams are outside year-round providing industry-leading expertise and electrical services. Whether you’re looking for lighting upgrades or complex electrical systems, Egan’s experience and knowledge gets your project off the ground.

Outdoor Electrical Services

Whatever your project scope includes, Egan can help.

  • Intelligent traffic systems, freeway monitoring systems, changeable message signs, and ramp meters
  • Roadway lighting installation and maintenance
  • Traffic signal installation and maintenance
  • Parking lot system controls and lighting maintenance
  • Tunnel electrical systems
  • Utility work, trenching, auguring, and plowing
  • Trenching, plowing, base drilling, and pole setting
  • Crane services
  • Airport construction, airfield lighting, duct banks, FAA installations, and maintenance

24/7 Service and Emergency Response


  • Parking lot lighting and repair
  • Security lighting and cameras
  • Parking ramp lighting  and repair
  • Ballast replacement relamping
  • Outdoor lighting troubleshooting
  • 24-hour emergency service

Operations and Project Management

With a full team of technical experts, your project is in good hands.

Contact: Paul Liveringhouse, Operations Manager //  (612) 328-0225


A multi-year upgrade project improved the safety and flow of traffic along Highway 10 in Anoka, Minn. Signaled intersections were removed and replaced with overpasses, completed by Egan Company’s Outdoor Electrical team The overpasses included MnDOT lighting, MnDOT Traffic Management System (TMS), city lighting, and a city flashing crosswalk system

Let‘s Go