Egan Company

New Community Partnership

October 15, 2016

DSC_0333_editFrom the very first day Egan & Sons opened their doors, Egan Company has been dedicated to actively supporting causes and local organizations that help those in need. This value is driven from all areas of the company, and continually brings employees together to reach local families in need of our support.

This summer, Egan formed an exciting new partnership with the Brooklyn Park Police Department (BPPD). Employees came together and raised $5,000 to buy K-9 officers, Kilo and Bongo, stab- and bullet-resistant vests.

“We have been beyond impressed with Egan’s quick action to get the employee giving campaign rolling and get money raised for the K-9’s vests,” said BPPD Officer Tom Dunnwald. “Without Egan’s help, it would have taken a very long time to raise the funds needed and the dogs would be working the streets unprotected.”

These custom-made vests will protect Kilo and Bongo for the next several years on the force, and ensure their safety as they work to protect the community where we work and live.

We see the need in our backyard and beyond, and are dedicated to help in any way possible – as employees and individuals – for many years to come.
