Egan Company

Donating to a Safer Ride

August 2, 2018

Working safely is more than a core value at Egan. For most, it’s a habit that extends beyond the time spent on the jobsite or in the office – and into our passions that make each one of us unique.

For Tim Mandeville, Egan Electrical Journeyman, his time away from work is often spent with the Wild Prairie H.O.G. Chapter – a group of Harley-Davidson motorcycle enthusiasts who ride and volunteer around the Twin Cities. The group commonly visits the Ronald McDonald House and the Minneapolis VA Hospital, among other organizations.

As a craftsperson and trained safety leader, Mandeville recently had an idea to increase the safety of all the men and women who ride in the chapter. His push to further safety for the group included the addition of a small first-aid kit to each of the bikes.

“Egan’s safety culture has changed the way I look at a lot of situations outside of work,” said Mandeville. “I always take a moment to ask myself what could go wrong before jumping into a task. It’s the way I’m accustomed to doing things now and that’s where this idea came from.”

However, as a nonprofit, the group did not have the funding to supply a kit for every bike. To help Mandeville’s effort, Egan Company donated 50 first-aid kits to help create a safer ride.

“For me, safety is always in the back of my mind because of my work and training with Egan. It’s a good feeling to know I can share a small piece of this with my fellow bikers,” said Mandeville. “The chapter couldn’t be more grateful for this donation.”
