Archive for the ‘Services’ Category

Building Optimization with an Intelligent System

Saturday, July 25th, 2020

Internet of Things (IoT) is a concept of connecting the computing equipment and smart devices within one location with other locations and equipment across the world—providing a giant network of connected devices and objects into one centralized hub. It’s possible to connect something as small as a light bulb to something as big as an entire building’s operation. These concepts aren’t new, but have taken time to come to fruition. Due to advances in technologies, ease of implementation, and a higher return on investment, this is quickly changing.

Advanced Monitoring, Maintaining, and Reporting

Schneider Electric recently introduced EcoStruxure Building Advisor, an intelligence system for buildings. As an integrator, Egan Company implements this system and provides consultations to facility managers. Building Advisor can provide:

  • Monitoring of equipment failure
  • Insights into energy consumption and mechanical cost-saving initiatives
  • Improved building efficiency by working with an engineering team

In the past, it used to take an experienced facility manager years to understand and optimize building performance. Now, the introduction of this technology makes it possible to gain immediate insights into a building’s inefficiencies, drifts from optimal parameters, and potential equipment failure that can all be used to quickly improve the bottom line, enhance operations, and provide a better working environment.

Typically utilizing the current building automation system infrastructure of sensors and control equipment, EcoStruxure Building Advisor analyzes the operation of a facility and provides the facility manager with detailed information about equipment operation. In addition, this information is scored as to its impact on the energy, comfort, and maintenance of a diagnosed issue. Coupling this information with utility and equipment data, Building Advisor will estimate the current bottom line impact on a deficiency and the potential return on investment for system improvement.

Reducing Operating Expenses for Optimal Experience

Constant monitoring of building expenditures will also reduce costs through early identification of equipment failures or inefficiencies. Monitoring equipment abnormalities will predict likely failure (and provide solutions to fix it before it does). By being proactive in identifying equipment failure, facility managers will reduce downtime experienced by occupants and make for less expensive repair costs and reduced occupant impact.

This technology doesn’t just provide a list of failed equipment and temperatures outside of range, but ongoing access to an energy engineer, working with the facility team to address the issues found, recommend solutions, and provide accountability and support. Continual commissioning of a building is required to maintain peak operation.

Our customers are always looking for innovative ways to reduce operating costs, and if we can cut costs on their monthly utility bill without the expense of tenant comfort, I’d say that’s a win,” said Kirk Wahlstrom, Egan Company Building Automation Manager. “We’ve piloted EcoStruxure Building Advisor at our own facilities and have benefited from the insights. We’re excited about growing this technology to help our customers not only reduce downtime and cost but improve their building’s value.


As technology continues to grow and evolve, facility managers—like the rest of the world—will need to continue heavy investment into IoT. These trends and technologies are here to make our lives easier, comfortable, and more secure.

For more information about EcoStruxure Building Advisor, view this 3 minute introduction video >> or request a demo to explore more about how this technology might be implemented in your facility.


Wednesday, April 29th, 2020

Building readiness and reducing touch-points for occupants has become a growing area of interest among many facility owners and managers. As our communities experience the beginning stages of stability, how should we prepare buildings? The answer to this question will look different for every organization, facility, and occupant. To help you through unfamiliar territory, we’ve assembled a list of hot topics for consideration in adding further safety precautions in your space or for its occupants.

Building Readiness

  • Inspections and/or repairs
  • Readying mechanical, HVAC, and changing air filters
  • Readying Fire/Life Safety systems

Occupied Space and Reducing Touch-Points for Occupants

  • Installing low-touch or no-touch fixtures, switches/motion sensors, doors, drawers, ADA door operators
  • Integrating temperature screening or body thermal technology
  • Installing plexiglass shields where social distancing is a challenge
  • Disabling touchscreens and considering other remote access solutions

Real estate organizations such as Cushman & Wakefield have also developed best practices to prepare workplaces for post-COVID-19 recovery. See its guide and checklist on the “Safe Six”: preparing the building, preparing the workforce, controlling access, social distancing, reducing touch-points, and communicating for confidence.

If there’s anything we can do to support your plans, contact your Egan resource or send a message.

Video Series: We Are Egan Electricians

Wednesday, December 5th, 2018

The last spotlight from our specialty trades video series is on Egan’s Electricians. Take two minutes to learn what our electricians can do for you!

Our team is built of extremely talented individuals. The specialty trade series has worked its way across all 13 trades – millwrights, iron workers, glaziers, pipefitters, limited energy technicians, sheet metal workers, controls electricians, glassworkers, operating engineers, plumbers, control panel technicians, and finished with electricians. These are the faces behind our products and services. Without their commitment to safety, innovation, and exceeding customer expectations daily, we wouldn’t be able to do what we do. 13 trades, one Egan.

In case you’ve missed any of our previously featured trades, all of them can be found here!

Video Series: We Are Egan Control Panel Technicians

Thursday, October 11th, 2018

The spotlight is on Egan’s Control Panel Technicians this month as we near the end of our trade video series!

In case you’ve missed any of our previously featured trades, all of them can be found here: Millwrights, Iron Workers, Glaziers, Pipefitters, Limited Energy Technicians, Sheet Metal Workers, Controls Electricians, Glassworkers, Operating EngineersPlumbers.

Video Series: We Are Egan Plumbers

Thursday, August 30th, 2018

The spotlight is on Egan’s Plumbers this month as we continue our trade video series!

In case you’ve missed any of our previously featured trades, all of them can be found here: Millwrights, Iron Workers, Glaziers, Pipefitters, Limited Energy Technicians, Sheet Metal Workers, Controls Electricians, Glassworkers, and Operating Engineers.

Video Series: We Are Egan Operating Engineers

Friday, July 27th, 2018

13 trade offerings all under one roof. This month we are featuring our Operating Engineers!

Nine of our trades have been highlighted thus far through our ongoing video series — and the remaining trades are coming!

In case you’ve missed any of our previously featured trades, all of them can be found here: Millwrights, Iron Workers, Glaziers, Pipefitters, Limited Energy Technicians, Sheet Metal Workers, Controls Electricians, and Glassworkers.

Video Series: We Are Egan Glassworkers

Wednesday, June 27th, 2018

One source, infinite solutions

We’re showcasing our diverse services and capabilities though a digital video series. Eight of our trades have been highlighted thus far — and the remaining trades are coming!

This month we are featuring our Glassworkers. Take a minute to watch and learn more about our curtainwall and panel expertise.

And, in case you’ve missed any of our previously featured trades, all of them can be found here: Millwrights, Iron Workers, Glaziers, Pipefitters, Limited Energy Technicians, Sheet Metal Workers, and Controls Electricians.

Maximizing Fire Protection Systems

Wednesday, June 27th, 2018

A key role in protecting your building in the event of a fire is a proper fire protection system. Egan Company provides fire and smoke damper inspections per code requirements and can work with you to keep your facility in compliance with local and state building codes.

Our in-house team of fire technicians, sheet metal workers, pipefitters, and electricians work together installing, inspecting, and maintaining fire/smoke dampers everyday throughout Minnesota.

Are you overdue for a test? Inspection and testing of fire dampers, smoke dampers, and combination fire/smoke dampers are required to be completed one year after installation. After the one year mark, fire/smoke dampers must be tested and inspected every four years – except hospitals which have a six year frequency.

Egan’s fire and smoke damper inspection services include:

  • Locating and operating (i.e. actuate) all fire dampers and smoke dampers in your facility, removing and resetting the fusible link to verify the damper fully closes
  • Marking the location of the dampers on drawings; AutoCAD plotting available
  • Manually activating electric smoke dampers and pneumatic smoke dampers to ensure that the actuator is operable and to verify it fully closes
  • Egan will provide a final report listing all code required information: location of damper, damper number, whether the damper passed or failed, and detailed reason for failure
  • Repair quotes will be provided at the completion of the inspection

Video Series: We Are Egan Controls Electricians

Wednesday, May 30th, 2018

The spotlight is on Egan’s Controls Electricians this month as we continue our video series highlighting each of our diverse trades.

Check out some of our previous videos here:

Iron Workers
Limited Energy Technicians
Sheet Metal Workers

Video Series: We Are Egan Sheet Metal Workers

Thursday, April 26th, 2018

Each month throughout 2018, one of Egan’s 13 specialty trades is featured to showcase its expertise and highlight the wide-scope of offerings we provide. This month, all eyes are on our expert Sheet Metal Workers!

Take a minute to watch and learn more about our Sheet Metal Workers and fabrication shop. And, in case you’ve missed any of our previously featured trades, all of them can be found here: Millwrights, Iron Workers, Glaziers, Pipefitters, and Limited Energy Technicians.