Egan Company

Simplified Remote
Access to Batching Systems

August 14, 2017

Secured, safe, efficient – deliver hassle-free remote connection to concrete batching systems with Egan Company’s newest product, EganConnect.

With increased network security, remote access is essential to the operation of a facility. EganConnect can guarantee a safe and secure remote connection that allows our engineers and technicians access to a KFBatch system to make any requested improvements or upgrades, without actually connecting to the company’s network.

Each EganConnect is programmed by our team of expert controls engineers and ready to install at concrete facilities. With the EganConnect, you can expect:

  • Faster response time when dealing with system issues
  • Fewer periods of production downtime when system unexpectedly is down
  • Streamlined process with minimal or no IT involvement
  • A safe, secure, and hassle-free connection to your systems

To learn more about the EganConnect, give us a call at 763.595.4373 or email at
